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7 (30%)
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5 (22%)
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Mass Media about the Museum

“To Grow Understanding of Living Together in the Country”. An interview with Alexander Sholokhov.
(“60 Parallel”. A journal about cultural policy and humanitarian practices. No 4, 2010).


“Travelling through Time with Sholokhov Museum”
(journal “Natsionalniye Prioritety”. No 11, 2010).


“In the Country of the “Quiet Don”.
(newspaper “Azovskaya Nedelya”, No 45 on 11.11.2010).


“Unfinished Novel in the Open Air…”
(newspaper “Nashe Vremya”. No 378–381 of October 29, 2010). 


The Rules of the Contest “Open Air Novel” dedicated to the 110th Anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov

Information on the Results of the Contest Works of Journalists and Mass Media (2014).




“Yugra People were Presented the First Editions and Manuscripts of the Famous Novels by Mikhail Sholokhov”
(TVRadio Company “Yugra”, news of culture, September 01, 2015).


“The Quiet Don” Flows around the Planet”
(journal “Natsionalniye Prioritety”, July 7, 2015).


“A Minor Journey into the History of the Great Novel”
(newspaper “Rostov Ofitsialny”, June 3, 2015).


“Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya is in the Hearts of Ossetia Students!”
(newspaper “Chempion”, No 21–22 of May 30, 2015).


“Alexander Sholokhov: “Thank You All!”
(newspaper “Rostov Ofitsialny”, May 27, 2015).


“A Big Celebration of the 110th Anniversary of Sholokhov in His Homeland.
(DonTR, May 25, 2015).


“The 110th Anniversary of Sholokhov was Celebrated in the Rostov Region”.
(newspaper “Molot”, May 25, 2015).


“Mikhail Sholokhov is 110. The Main Celebrations Take Place in the Don Stanitsa”.
(TVchannel 1, news, May 24, 2015).


“Guests from All over the World Still Come to Visit Sholokhov”.
(newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda Rostov”, May 23, 2015).


“Sholokhov Centre“ is Opened in Rostov on the 110th Anniversary of the Writer”.
(RIA “Novosti”, May 22, 2015).


“The Events Dedicated to Sholokhov’s Anniversary Started in the Don Area”.
(DonTR, May 22, 2015).


“At Home. In the Country of the Quiet Don. Mikhail Sholokhov is in the Memory of His Relatives”.
(newspaper “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, May 21, 2015).


“Sholokhov’s Native Stanitsa Celebrates the 110th Anniversary of the Writer”.
(NTV, “Novosti”, May 22, 2015).


“Vyoshenskaya Opened an Exhibition of the Don Photographer, Who Caught the Moment of Taking Paulus Prisoner”.
(“Vesti Don” TV program, broadcast on March 2).


“Horses of Vyoshenskaya. Alive and Iron”.
(journal “Natsionalniye Prioritety”, No 1–2, February–March).


“The Memory Day of the Writer Mikhail Sholokhov was Marked in the Rostov Region”.
(“Vesti Don” TV program, broadcast on February 24, 2015).


“The Don Exhibition is Opened Today in the Pushkin Reserve”.
(Pskov Newsline, February 14, 2015).