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The Tourist Potential of Rural Territories


The staff of the Museum-Reserve took part in the All-Russian online conference "Tourism potential of rural areas", which was held on December 9-10, 2020. 

The event was initiated by the Creative Technologies event-agency, which has been organizing events on the topic of the agro-industrial complex since 2008. Representatives of federal and regional executive authorities, state and private museums-reserves, tourism organizations, industry unions, farms and enterprises took part in the conference industry. 

The program of the event was compiled from personal examples and stories about their own experience of creative, enterprising people, working groups and government agencies that have implemented their own projects in the field of rural tourism. 

I. Lavrentieva, advisor to the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, told about the forms of state support and the potential for the development of Russian rural tourism. S. Anufrienko, the director of the Association for Economic Interaction of the RF Subjects "Tourist Association of Russian Regions" told about modern and promising opportunities for synergy between business, government and society in the development of rural areas through tourism. Deputy Director of the Center for Development of Financial Technologies of the Rosselkhozbank E. Rykun presented a new marketplace "Svoe Rodnoe", which allows promoting agricultural and tourism products and services. The leaders and creators of private museums, eco-parks, mini-farms, ethnocultural centers and other expert associations also presented successful cases of the implementation of their projects. 

Head of the excursion department of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve Yana Korobova spoke about the peculiarities of the reconstruction of the historical era of the Don Cossacks of the late 19th and early 20th centuries using the example of the Kruzhilinsky memorial and historical complex. The report reflected the main interactive forms and methods of working with visitors, presented today on the territory of the Sholokhovs' memorial estate and the recreated colorful Cossack courtyard of the historical period under consideration. 

The work ended with lively discussions, exchange of views and contacts, planning of partnership projects and events. All the participants of the event expressed sincere confidence in the necessity, importance and high prospects of the development of rural areas and tourism in them.


Yana Korobova