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The time proves a permanent interest for the work of M.A. Sholokhov. The personages of Sholokhov’s works entered our consciousness, our life like our near and dear people. Turning over the pages of “And Quiet Flows the Don”, “Virgin Soil Upturned”, “The Fate of a Man”, “The Don Stories” we discover a complicated, multitudinous life with its happiness and sufferings, tragic errors and excruciating search of truth, with losses, sorrows, tears, with a passionate love and quiet joy of entity, and we feel aroma of cherry orchards, steppe herbs, field flowers, thawed out earth…

It’s a wonder, how exactly and delicately the author portrays the characters of his personages. A French translator of M.A. Sholokhov’s works Jean Cathala noted: “He belongs to those writers, whose art helps each person to become more humane”.

With a special passion and force Sholokhov called for appreciating and comprehending man, that is why his works are up-to-date and are in harmony with the anxieties of our days. “Always and in everything, whatever might happen on earth, remember about man, not merely about nominal one, but about this one, with his unique life, soul, really comprising a whole world!” – that was a moral will of the writer.

In Sholokhov’s books we find answers to main questions, learn to understand the human values. Here there is a secret of the writer’s eternal youth and vitality of his works.

“I would like my books to help people to become better, clearer in their souls, to arouse love for man, aspiration for an active fight for ideals of humanism and progress of the mankind. If I have been a success in it, to some extent, I am happy”. These words of Mikhail Alexandrovich show best of all his attitude to the predestination of his creative work.

Marina Debur