Sketches of Costumery for the Opera “The Quiet Don”
In the Museum there are 34 works of a scene-designer A.M. ...
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ToursThe National M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is the laureate of the national award “Travel Industry Leader” and the Y. Senkevich National Tourist Award. The main principle in our work is to allow for a wide range of interests and preferences of the guests from enjoying comfort and specimens of the world culture to the chance of getting into the world of the virgin wildlife or the traditional tenor of the Don Cossack life. The Museum tenders for you: - tours about the sites of the Museum-Reserve; - sightseeing tours around Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya and Sholokhov places; - weekend tours; - tours for school and university students; - event tours (including participation in the holidays of “Sholokhov Spring” and “Kruzhilin Toloki”); - fishing tours; - ethnographic tours; - environmental itineraries; - literary itineraries; - horse-riding itineraries; - pleasure boating along the River Don; - business tours; - organization of workshops, business meetings, presentations, corporative sessions and parties; - transport service; - accommodation and meals. For additional information, please, do not hesitate to contact the Tour Department: Tel/fax: (86353) 21-062, e-mail: