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The Upper Don is a country of the old hunting traditions and the richest resource of nature. It is an incomparable pleasure for a hunter to intercourse with the living nature as generous and scenic as it was depicted by M.A. Sholokhov in his works. Hunting was one of the favourite hobbies of the writer. He was fond of walking in the forest with his fowling-piece, he knew habits of birds and beasts, was a marksman, charged the cartridges himself.

If you open a hunting season on the Don, it is sure to be successful for you. All kinds of hunting are good here, your bright impressions will make one of the most delightful pages of your hunting diary. The animal world in the Upper Don is rather diverse, and all through the three seasons (except summer) shooting is allowed for waterfowl, snipes, quails, partridges, pheasants, hoofed animals (deer, roes, wild-boars, elks) as well as for wolves and fur-bearing animals (European hares, foxes, raccoon dogs).

Full of wonder and excitement is a spring hunting for ducks and geese, where an accurate shot and a hunting experience, a good luck and delight from the sight of the awakening nature get entangled together. You are sure to enjoy hunting for a hare or fox in an old way – trailing the beast. Incomparably poignant is hunting for a wild-boar, when any moment in full cry of the beaters a huge “fanger” can dart out from the shrub thicket across your “number”…

Hunting on the Upper Don is a part of the national culture. It is a science, a philosophy, a repose for the soul. Fresh air, forest, talks with the companions, hunter’s tales by the fire will invigorate you.

Having enjoyed a ravishing process of hunting and a majic world of nature you will look forward to opening a new hunting season to return to the Don country for a rich trophy.