Chieftain Regiment Badge
The badge of the Life guard of the Chieftain His Imperial ...
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Polls archiveКакой из объектов музея Вам понравился больше всего?
Кружилинский мемориально-исторический комплекс
3 (2%)
Каргинский мемориально-исторический комплекс
14 (8%)
Вёшенский мемориально-исторический комплекс
0 (0%)
Усадьба М.А. Шолохова
0 (0%)
Историко-литературная экспозиция «М.А.Шолохов. Время и судьба»
2 (1%)
Экскурсионно-выставочный центр «Народный дом»
155 (89%)
What do you expect from the upcoming on October, 12, “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Day”?
Revival of the best traditions of old fairs on the Don
1 (7%)
Ability to sell agricultural and other products
1 (7%)
Opportunity to make a good purchase
1 (7%)
I hope to establish business relations with producers
1 (7%)
See visiting performers and buffoons
1 (7%)
I hope to prove myself in athletes’ competition
1 (7%)
I want to show a real fair to my kids
1 (7%)
I would like to attend the fair, but unfortunately I won’t be able
8 (53%)
Which of the books by M.A.Sholokhov do you like best?
And Quiet Flows the Don
19 (66%)
Virgin Soil Upturned
2 (7%)
Tales of the Don
2 (7%)
The Fate of a Man
3 (10%)
They Fought for Their Country
2 (7%)
Science of Hatred
1 (3%)
How do you assess the performance of our website?
29 (63%)
10 (22%)
3 (7%)
4 (9%)
Which topic do you think is under represented on our site? Leave your comments and suggestions in the section “Comments and Suggestions”
Museum Collection
5 (22%)
3 (13%)
Museum Events
1 (4%)
Museum – to Children
1 (4%)
Don Cossacks
7 (30%)
Natural Monuments
1 (4%)
Information for Tourists
5 (22%)