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7 (3%)
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204 (91%)
Polls archive

The Stables

Daily Routine

The Stable of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve

6.00–8.00     Watering and feeding the horses 

8.00–10.00   Cleaning, saddling, dressage of the horses 

10.00–12.00  Paddock staying 

12.00–14.00  Watering, feeding and rest of the horses 

14.00–16.00  Paddock staying 

16.00–17.00  Saddling, dressage of the horses 

17.00–18.00  Cleaning of the stable premises and territory.

19.00–06.00  Night rest of the horses

Work with Visitors

The work with visitors and guided tours:

 9.00– 12.00  


12.00–14.00 : lunch time

Riding tours and horseback rides are conducted by arrangement.
National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve
Ethnographic Department

Contact telephones: (863 53) 23-4-01; (863 53) 21-0-62