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The Estate of M.A. Sholokhov

Project «From Sholokhov’s House with Love!»

Everyone likes to receive letters or postcards. The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov decided to bring back this little forgotten way of communication and opened the project “From Sholokhov’s House with Love!” jointly with the Rostov regional branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Post of Russia”.

A special mailbox is installed at the entrance of the memorial house in the writer’s homestead, and the visitors can send postcards to their families and friends just from Sholokhov’s house.

Daily M.A.Sholokhov received about 100, and on some days about 300 letters from around the world and parcel posts with manuscripts and books. Letters were seen everywhere: on the table, on the window-sills and chairs. The people wrote to Sholokhov about the most secret things, shared their impressions of the books read, asked for advice or help. He was attentive to all the letters and tried to answer each of them. When travelling Mikhail Alexandrovich always sent postcards with pictures of the sights he visited to his family and friends.

And now each visitor can have a unique opportunity to continue this good tradition sending a postcard from the museum of the world-known writer.

Already 320 people have made such an original present to their families.