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7 (3%)
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204 (91%)
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The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is engaged in active and varied exhibition activities. The Museum-Reserve presents its travelling exhibitions in different parts of Russia and abroad. Their materials tell about the life and work of the writer, the history and culture of the Don Cossacks and the natural sights of Sholokhov country.

The excursion and exhibition centre “People’s House” opened in 2007, gave an opportunity of exhibiting in Vyoshenskaya the best examples of the cultural heritage of Russia and foreign countries. The “People’s House” has become a real centre of culture, where the residents of the Don country and neighbouring regions can be shown the collections of the leading museums of our and foreign countries. The local public enjoyed the unique collections from the museums of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turghenev, and other Russian Museums.

In 2015, “Sholokhov-Centre” was opened in Rostov-on-Don; it has become an area for major exhibition projects in the South of Russia.

The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov invites other museums, galleries and exhibition centres for cooperation. We offer travelling exhibitions on different themes and are ready to provide exhibition areas for your projects.

Exhibition Areas
Excursion-Exhibition Centre “People’s House”
(Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, 66, Podtyolkov Str.) 
The ground floor area is 34 m2
The first floor area is 140 m2.

(Rostov-on-Don, 125/69 Bolshaya Sadovaya Str.)
The ground floor : hall 1 – 91.3 m2; hall 2 – 29.1 m2;
hall 3 – 42.1 m2; hall 4 – 26.5 m2
The second floor: 214.4 m2.

The Scientific and Exhibition Department
Tel.: +7(86353)24-5-22
E-mail: expo@veshki.donpac.ru