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Museum Collection

An Autograph of A.N.Bakharev, a Selectionist

Three books from the private library of M.A.Sholokhov with autographs of A.N.Bakharev, a garden scientist, are kept in the book collection of the Museum-Reserve.

In the book “Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin” the author made an inscription: “To deeply respected Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov for the kindest memoirs. The author A.Bakharev. April, 16, 1953.”

In the book “The Stories about Michurin” there is a gift inscription: “To dear Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov for kind memoirs. With thebest feelings. A. Bakharev. Michurinsk. August, 14, 1967”.

The title page of the book “Michurin in Life” bears an autograph: “To deeply respected and dear Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov as a sign of goodwill and disinterested friendship for the rest of life with my best feelings. The author. Michurinsk.April, 11, 1970.

Sending the book A.N.Bakharev enclosed a letter:


“April, 11, 1970.


              Deeply respected and dear Mikhail Alexandrovich!


I am very glad, that the seedlings overwintered well and you planted them. But it’s a pity that the list of the plum-trees sent by me via our Research Institute has been lost. But I hope they have also overwintered well. I think the plum-trees will feel good in the earth of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. I hope I will see them in summer.

I am glad to receive your telegram wafting kind Sholokhov’s warmth and friendship.

My book “Michurin in Life” has been published (This is a somewhat expanded edition of “The Stories about Michurin”), which I am sending to you with my best feelings. I wish you and Mariya Petrovna a good health and a great success.

  Yours, A.Bakharev.”


Andrey Nikolayevich Bakharev, a talented naturalist, and the great writer Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov were connected by warm friendly relations, they carried on a correspondence.

In the spring of 1953, the scientist came to Vyoshenskaya on the writer’s invitation. He brought seedlings of apple-trees, pear-trees, plum-trees for raising an orchard in the Estate. He spent a week in the hospitable Sholokhovs’ house. In farewell, the writer presented him his book “Virgin Soil Upturned” with his autograph: “To dear A.N.Bakharev for memory of Vyoshenskaya with love and friendship. M.A.Sholokhov. 22.04.53. Vyoshenskaya”.

In the August of 1970, the selectionist once again visited the writer’s house in Vyoshenskaya, was present at the meeting of Sholokhov with the schoolchildren from Krasnodar.

Andrey Nikolayevich Bakharev (27.10.1894–02.06.1980) is the author of many scientific, non-fiction books and booklets, over 200 essays and articles about the life and work of the great nature reformer I.V.Michurin.

A.N.Bakharev is a veteran participant in the Great Patriotic War, Honoured Worker of Culture of the RSFSR, Head of the Archives of I.V. Michurin (1935–1966), Senior Researcher and Head of the Information department of the I.V.Michurin Central Genetic Laboratory. He is awarded two Orders of the Labour Red Banner, the Order of the Great Patriotic War of the II degree, and nine medals of the USSR.


Elena Kleimenova