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Museum Collection

Illustrations by the Petrovs Artists

27 prints by the Petrovs artists for the story “The Fate of a Man”, which were added to the collection stock of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in 1988, are permanently exhibited with a great success.

The Petrovs, Valentina and Leonid, making a series of etchings did not want to retell the text of the story. Their works are reflections over the story read. They tried to show by the language of art a moral strength of Soviet man in his fight against fascism.

The work of the artists was highly appreciated and gained a Gold Medal of the International Exhibition of the Book Art in 1965, in Leipzig (Germany).

Valentina Vladimirovna Petrova was born on January, 27, 1922, in Ukrain. She lives in Saint-Petersburg. She is a Member of the USSR Union of Artists (1949), Honoured Artist of the RSFSR (1968).

She finished the Art School at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leningrad (1937 – 1940), graduated from the I.Y.Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1941 – 1948), worked  in  the  publishing  houses  in  Leningrad  and  illustrated  books  by Soviet writers.

The creative personality of V.V. Petrova was formed in the years of the Great Patriotic war. Her works got brighter to show the sense of social responsibility, passionate and piercing pain over the fates of people.

Valentina Vladimirovna created almost all her works together with her husband, Leonid Grigoriyevich Petrov (1919 – 1978). Despite the fact that Valentina Vladimirovna graduated from the graphic faculty, and Leonid Grigoriyevich – from the painting faculty, their creative union was fruitful. An important milestone of development and establishment of the Petrovs’ talent was the work over three series of prints for the book by John Reed “Ten Days That Shook the World”, which brought them an international recognition. They also created the series of etchings “They Want to be Free”, “Contemporaries”, “Ivanovo Cotton Prints” and others.

Valentina Leonova