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Fishing Reel

A multiplier fishing reel “Record Ambassadeur” was presented to M.A.Sholokhov in 1959, in the USA, by Cyrus Eaton, an American industrialist, social activist, philanthropist and initiator of the international Pugwash Conferences.

Sholokhov was a passionate angler, he fished competently, he knew the secrets of catching carp, dace, chub, pike perch and catfish. He had excellent fishing tackle, in perfect condition; in this he was strict to the last detail. The writer usually used the fishing tackle of domestic production, but his favourite fishing rods were homemade of birch. They are ordinary fishing rods like those used by all anglers of the Upper Don. However, he was always interested in innovations and was often presented with fishing accessories.

The fishing reel was made in Sweden by the ABUGARCIA company, which was founded in 1921, began with producing watches, and only late in   the 1930-s it started making high-class fishing reels. The first reels of the “Ambassadeur” appeared early in the 1950-s. In 1954, at the World Exhibition of fishing tackle in New York, the “Ambassadeur-Classic” reel won the special prize of the exhibition–“Redwonder.”

Svetlana Diyachenko
Marina Pribytkova