
Which topic do you think is under represented on our site? Leave your comments and suggestions in the section “Comments and Suggestions”
Museum Collection
Museum Events
Museum – to Children
Don Cossacks
Natural Monuments
Information for Tourists
View result


Museum Collection
5 (2%)
3 (1%)
Museum Events
1 (0%)
Museum – to Children
2 (1%)
Don Cossacks
7 (3%)
Natural Monuments
1 (0%)
Information for Tourists
204 (91%)
Polls archive

The Staff

|Code of Ethics

Anistratenko Olga 
tel/fax. +7(86353)21-3-77
e-mail: sholokhov@sholokhov.ru

Deputy Director for Museum Development
Sholokhova Valeriya 
tel. +7(86353)21-8-46
e-mail: 0385227@gmail.com  

Deputy Director for Economic Activity
Sivtsov Sergey 
tel. +7(86353)24-1-68,
e-mail: serg_86_22@mail.ru 

Deputy Director for Construction and Repair and Restoration Works
Valentina Kabanova
tel. +7(86353)22-9-64
e-mail: evaushba2016@yandex.ru 

Deputy Director for Security
Pasenko Vladimir 
tel. +7(86353)24-5-05
e-mail: vladimirpasenko@mail.ru

Chief Accountant
Polyaschenko Tatiana 
tel/fax: +7(86353)21-6-39, 22-4-84
e-mail: musbuchgalter@gmail.com

Chief Curator of Museum Items
Tishchenko Nataliya 
Tel. +7(86353)21-8-52
e-mail: library@sholokhov.ru

Academic Secretary
Slyusarenko Lidia 
tel. +7(86353)21-8-46
e-mail: lida_nik86@mail.ru

Chief Researcher
Turchin Taras 
tel. +7(86353)24-1-52
e-mail: landshaft_otdel@mail.ru 

Department “The Estate of M.A.Sholokhov”
Head: Elena Popova
tel. +7(86353)21-9-66, +7(863)217-66-22
e-mail: usadba1935@mail.ru 

Scientific Exhibition Department
Head: Tolstopyatenko Yelena 
tel. +7(86353)24-5-22
e-mail: expo@veshki.donpac.ru 

Funds Recruitment Department
Head: Pribytkova Marina 
tel/fax: +7(86353)22-8-70
e-mail: library@sholokhov.ru 

Tour Department
Head: Korobova Yana 
tel/fax: +7(86353)21-0-62, +7(961)273-33-88
e-mail: tourism@sholokhov.ru 

Department of Historical and Memorial Exhibitions
(Stanitsa Karghinskaya)
Head: Nikonova Tatiana 
tel. +7(86382)34-5-38
e-mail: karghin@sholokhov.ru

Department of History and Local Studies
(Kruzhilin Village)
Head: Abramovskaya Valentina 
tel. +7(86353)70-1-03
e-mail: kruzhilin@sholokhov.ru 

Exhibition and Education Department “Sholokhov-Centre”
Head: Sholokhov Petr 
tel. +7(863)210-90-15

Department of Conservation and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments
Head: Sergey Poymanov
tel. +7(86353)24-5-27
e-mail: sp.77@mail.ru  

Department for Memorial Landscape Conservation
and Environment Monitoring
tel. +7(86353)24-1-77
e-mail: landshaft_otdel@mail.ru 

Development Department
Head: Trofimenko Natalia 
tel./fax: +7(86353)21-8-46
e-mail: drive@sholokhov.ru  

Department of Youth Programs
Head: Olga Kargina 
tel/fax: +7(86353)23-7-99
e-mail: omp-2014@yandex.ru 

Department of Public Events
Head: Svetlana Pertseva
tel. +7(86353)23-1-00
e-mail: swetlanapertsewa@gmail.com 

Applied Art Department
Head: Soldatova Elena
e-mail:  elena26031977@mail.ru 

Landscape Art Department
Head: Vyacheslav Anikeev
tel. +7(86353)24-1-77
e-mail: landshaft_otdel@mail.ru 

Organizational and Legal Department (procurement sector)
Head: Romanova Lyudmila 
tel. + 7(86353) 21-3-77
e-mail:  romanowa.lyuda2013@yandex.ru

Organizational and Legal Department (purchasing sector)
Head: Morozova Marina 
tel. +7(86353)24-5-12
e-mail: msholokhov@gmail.com

Ethnographic Department
Head: Berkaliev Alexander 
tel. +7(86353)23-4-01
e-mail: sberkaliev@gmail.com

Transport Department
Head: Andrey Pyatikov
tel. +7(86353)24-1-68
e-mail: ahchmus@mail.ru