A Present from Efim Permitin
A book “Hunting with Dog and Fowling Piece” published in 1905 ...
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News“I am Taking My Family to the Museum”09.11.2015This was the title of the game-travelling prepared by the Museum workers for senior students and their parents, which was held on the last day of the school holidays. The program included excursion about the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov, examination of memorial objects using the guidebook, dramatization of the fragments of Sholokhov’s works and a master-class. The children and adults learned much about the life and work of the writer and got into the atmosphere of his big and friendly family. They learned about the history of the house and the library, personal belongings, saw the manuscripts of the novel “They Fought for Their Country” and a pen of the “Parker” company, which M.A.Sholokhov used to put down his last signature. In the small study the writer usually worked over his manuscripts and there he created the second book of the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned”. The participants of the game-travelling remembered the fragments of the novel and dramatized them. The elements of the Cossack costume made the children and their parents feel themselves first collective-farmers, laugh at the jokes of Ded Shchukar and empathize with Nagulnov, Davydov, and other Sholokhov’s personages. The travelling finished in the Children Museum Centre, where they took part in a master-class on making a doll-amulet, a symbol of a family well-being. For the memory of this meeting the museum-workers presented a book “About My Father” by M.M.Sholokhov to each family. Travelling into the world of Sholokhov and his personages opened for the guests new pages of the life and work of the writer and enabled them to come to conclusion that family is not only a group of people living together in one house, but they have common interests, leisure, talks, discussions and sharing their impressions. It is a special atmosphere of kindness and love, such as it was in the house of the Sholokhovs.
Olga Karghina |