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The Exhibition “A.S.Pushkin.The Life and Lyre” in “Sholokhov Centre”


The exhibition “A.S.Pushkin. The Life and Lyre” will begin its work on October, 16, in Sholokhov Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov in Rostov-on-Don. This exhibition project is prepared by the State Museum of A.S.Pushkin (Moscow) and the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve with participation of the members of “Pushkin Museums Community”: All-Russian Museum of A.S.Pushkin (S.-Petersburg), the State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve of A.S.Pushkin (Bolshiye Vyzemy), the State Memorial Historical, Literary and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve “Mikhailovskoye”.

The exhibition is devoted to the life and work of the poet, whose name has long become a symbol of the Russian language and Russian culture.

The first section of the exhibition includes biographical materials. There are images of A.S.Pushkin himself and his contemporaries – literary supporters and opponents, his friends and enemies. Pushkin’s lines accompanying the exhibition will help to understand better the personality of each of the people displayed, the nature of their relations with the poet.

In the water-colours, engravings, lithographs and paintings the viewers can see Russia of the early XIX century – Moscow, Tsarskoye Salon, Petersburg, the Crimea, the Caucasus, Odessa… Its atmosphere can be felt through the life-time publications of Pushkin’s works, furniture, objects of decorative and applied art, reconstructions of costumes of that time and accessories to them.

The next hall is devoted to the works by A.S.Pushkin including “Evgeny Onegin”, “Captain’s Daughter”, “The Queen of Spades”. There are portraits of historical figures and the poet’s contemporaries, who served as prototypes of Pushkin’s personages, the first publications and illustrations to them.

The final hall is devoted to the wonderful world of fairy tales by A.S.Pushkin. Among them there is a fairytale poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the fairy tales created by the poet in the 1830-s: about Tsar Saltan, a dead princess, a fisherman and a magic fish, about a golden cockerel, a Pope and his worker Balda.

There are poet’s writings, illustrations by Russian artists to Pushkin’s works, articles of peasant life and clothes, and costumes of personages of A.S.Pushkin’s fairy tales.

The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov invites the residents and guests of Rostov-on-Don for the exhibition “A.S.Pushkin.The Life and Lyre” in Sholokhov Centre (125/69, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str.).


The exhibition will run from October, 16, to December, 6. Working hours: 10.00–18.00. Monday is Day Off.

Tel.+7(863)210-90-14 (tour booking), 210-90-17 (cashbox), www.sholokhov.ru , e-mail: rostov@sholokhov.ru .