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The Don will be Spoken about on TV


Early in October, a film crew of the Russian educational TV channel “My Planet” worked in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. They purposed to make shootings for the prospective documentary from the series “Rivers of Russia”, which was conceived and put into production jointly with the Russian Geographical Society. One of the eight great rivers of Russia chosen by the project members is the Don, which is impossible to be presented without a narration about the great Russian writer M.A.Sholokhov, about Don Cossacks and their peculiar tenor of life.

The TV creative group headed by Anastasiya Ramazanova, the executive producer of the series “Rivers of Russia”, made shootings of the Don, Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the Writer’s House, Museum Stables, Sholokhov’s family estate and a Cossack farmstead of the late XIX–early XX centuries in Kruzhilin Village. Our museum-workers did their best to assist in shooting and in search of characters for the story. The work proved to be quite successful.

The people of the TV channel stated in their talk that their task was to enhance the attractiveness of Russia in the modern world and to tell about the unique riches of nature, culture and history of our country, about the most cherished and unique sights, to attract tourists to the new Russian destinations.

Hereinafter, the TV crew is going to Serafimovich (the former Stanitsa Ust-Medveditskaya), then down the River Don to ”the blue sea, the Azov”).

The workers of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve wish a great success to the authors of the future film about the great rivers of Russia and hope to see a premiere show early next year.


Viktor Boldyrev

Alexey Kochetov