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The First Steps on the Ecological Path


The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve goes on working out ecological educational routes for children. On September, 11, an ecological path was opened on the territory of kindergarten 2 “Visiting Ecolearner” in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya.

The children and guests of honour – A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, and O.A.Shchirova, a leading specialist in guardianship for minors of the Sholokhov District Educational Department – opened the event and launched green balloons and white doves into the sky.

While travelling along the ecological path the children learned about the trees and bushes growing in the kindergarten yard, visited a mushroom glade and learned that mushrooms can be dangerous for life; they saw a beautiful flowerbed which can keep up spirits. Together with the Ecolearner and his friends the children fenced an anthill, helped to bring order in the forest and learned to make useful things from recycled materials. The children learned much about beasts and birds, heard the sounds of the forest: a voice of cuckoo, knocking of woodpecker and chirping of sparrows.

Ecolearner will conduct classes with different kindergarten groups. This way the Museum workers try to draw attention of children to the problem of environment pollution, to instill the desire for cleanliness and neatness, and to broaden their horizons.


Elena Soldatova

Evgheniya Gudzenko