The First Photo Report about Sholokhov
A unique collection of 38 photographs of M.A. Sholokhov made in ...
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NewsWelcome to the Holiday “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Day”18.09.2014On October, 12, for the first time the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov will hold a literary and ethnographic holiday “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Day”, in Stanitsa Karghinskaya, in the homestead of T.A.Karghin. Late in the XIX – early in the XX centuries the fair in Karghin Village was known not only in the Voysko Donskoye Region, but also in the neighbouring provinces. Residents and traders came to the fair to buy and sell, to see others and show themselves, to make children happy and have fun for themselves. The people enjoyed carousel and swing; they were entertained by clowns, circus performers and a trained bear. Eating houses and shops were open, hawkers offered small goods. In order to revive the traditions of the Don fairs and old festive joys the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov jointly with the Bokovsky District Administration invite the people to take part in the holiday. The public will be shown the scenes of a fair life after the works by M.A.Sholokhov, entertained with a puppet show, strongmen competitions; they will listen to Cossack songs performed by folk groups, taste old Cossack dishes, take part in master-classes and contests, have a horse riding and be able to buy agricultural goods from Sholokhov, Bokovsky and Kashari districts. You are welcome to the literary and ethnographic holiday “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Day” on October, 12!
Pyotr Donskov |