A Photo Chronicle from the Archives of M.Teslya
A photo collection from the archives of M.E.Teslya (183 storage units) ...
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NewsThe Exhibition from the National Museum of Adygea is Opened in Vyoshenskaya07.07.2014The exhibition “The Woman’s World in the Interiors of the Historic Memory” from the National Museum of the Adygean Republic was opened on July, 4, 2014, in the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “The People’s House”. During the exhibition presentation, the song and dance group “The Don Radiance” performed folk Cossack songs, then the audience was shown the film about the history, culture and traditions of the Adygean people. Opening the exhibition, F.K.Dzhigunova, the director of the National Museum of the Adygean Republic, underlined that such kind of exhibitions promote respect for culture, traditions and faith of the peoples, and she was glad to present the exhibition about cultural traditions of Adygea in the homeland of M.A.Sholokhov, the great Russian writer. The exhibition covers the period from ancient times to the end of the XIX century, opens the original world of the Adygean women in the Bronze Age and Middle Ages, tells about the peculiarities of bringing up girls, their occupations, toys, preparation of girls for marriage, their training in arts and crafts, making dowry, matchmaking ceremony and wedding, about everyday life of married women. Among the exhibits there is jewelry, skilled patterns of ancient gold embroidery, household articles and reconstructions of traditional Adygean clothes and photo materials on history and culture of Adygea.
The exhibition will run until September, 2, 2014.
V.Yemeliyanov |