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NewsPushkin Museum Exhibits West European Art in Vyoshenskaya18.03.2014The exhibition “West European Art from the State A.S.Pushkin Museum” will run on March, 30, in the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “The People’s House” of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The visitors will have an opportunity to view the treasures of the world culture from the collection of the famous museum. The exhibition displays more than 100 unique works of painting, graphics, sculpture and decorative art presenting over 60 names of artists of the second half of the XVII–XIX centuries. This is only a small part of the collection of the State A.S.Pushkin Museum, which was more actively formed within the past decade. Its origin is related to gifts which is typical for the Pushkin Museum. Thus, in 1968, A.S.Golovina, a Moscow collector, presented a picture “Landscape with Ruins” (late XVII–early XVIII centuries) by the well-known Austrian painter A.Faistenberg. In the 1970-s, the collection of the museum was added by the works from the State Museum stores: the works by a Dutch landscape and animal painter S.van der Dus, famous French painters Karl Kuvasz Sega and Jean Courbet, masters of genre painting – Austrian painter K.Schleicher, German painter K.E.Forberg and other masters. The tenor of the exhibition is Pushkin, his life and work. The exhibition displays portraits of friends and contemporaries of the poet: princess V.F.Gagarina. Serene Highness Prince G.A.Gruzinsky, princess E.A.Klari-Aldringen, baron N.P.Nicolai, doctor A.I.Over, countess M.A.Pototskaya, countess E.P.Ricci, count V.A. Sollogub, collector and patron of art A.R.Tomilov, emperors Alexander I and Nikolay I. A special place in the portrait gallery is occupied by the images of William Shakespeare and Pushkin’s contemporaries – Friedrich Schiller and Heinrich Heine. The poet was well aware of their work and each of them influenced his talent development. Never going abroad Pushkin was able to reflect in his works the history, culture and nature of many countries, life and customs of their peoples. The exhibition of the West European painters contributes to development of the theme “Pushkin and World Culture”. The exhibition “West-European Art from the Collection of the State A.S.Pushkin Museum” will run from March, 30, to May, 11. Irina Panchenko. |