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Sholokhov Museum Joins “Intourmarket-2014”


The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the IX International Tourism Exhibition “Intourmarket-2014” held in Moscow on March, 15–18.

This year the tour exhibition, held under the support of the Federal Tour Agency of the Russian Federation, was joined by representatives of 148 countries and regions. The Russian tour product was variously presented at the regional exhibitions of Russia.

The Museum-Reserve of Sholokhov represented the Rostov Region exhibition focused on the Don Cossack traditions. Mostly interesting were the event tours “Sholokhov Spring” and “Kruzhilin Toloki”. The visitors learned about the work of the Museum.

The business contacts made by the museum-workers with representatives of the tour companies will help to attract new .tourists for the homeland of M.A.Sholokhov.

Elena Ilyichova