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Sholokhov Museum Presented New Programs in Spain


The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov joined the annual tourist exhibition FITUR, which was held on January, 22–26 in Madrid.

Participation of the Museum in the international tourist exhibitions in recent years has become an important part of its activity, as it enables to present its programs for foreign tourists and tour companies.

The FITUR fair exhibition gathered more than 9500 exhibits from 165 countries of the world. On the first three days the tourist products from the countries were presented for specialists, and on the following three days – for numerous visitors. The visitors of the Sholokhov Museum stand were attracted by the bright pictures, entertaining visuals, colourful booklets and showed their interest in the programs of tours to the country of M.A.Sholokhov and peculiarities of rest in the Russian province.

The exhibition provided an opportunity for a keen exchange of experience with Russian and foreign counterparts.

Tatiyana Zarubina