A Book by Larisa Vasilyeva with an Autograph
The meetings with Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov left indelible impressions in the ...
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NewsThe House of Martyn Brothers is under Reconstruction23.12.2013The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov continues reconstruction of the House of Martyn Brothers, a cultural heritage site of federal significance. The completion of the reconstruction project is planned for 2014. The House of Martyn Brothers is a rare example of a town house built in the late XIX – early XX century with the use of pseudo- Gothic forms. This is one of the best creations of the Rostov architect N.M.Sokolov. In the August of 2007, the building was transferred to the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. After the reconstruction it will function as a cultural and exhibition centre. In 2013, in accordance with the signed agreements with the contractor a number of restoration works were carried out at the cultural heritage site of “the House of Martyn Brothers”. During the reconstruction of the terrace the works were carried out on installation of CFA piles for strengthening the foundations, installation of tape reinforced concrete foundations, constructions of metal-bearing floors, restoration of brickwork and arches in an old technique, laying the cornice plates of natural stone, covering with ceramic granite, fabrication and installation of wrought iron fence sections and a heraldic sign. Metal forged fence sections for the balconies have been installed. The front door is equipped with a gable visor fixed on the openwork forged brackets. The entrance of the basement is reconstructed: the brick walls and pillars, the staircase, floor and roof are restored. The brickwork on the façade of the building is restored as it was in old times. Internal lighting systems are installed. Old style chandeliers, sconces and pendants are bought in accordance with the design-project. In 2014, the works on restoration of façades and balconies of the main building, plinth facing with granite slabs, restoration of the gatehouse, installation of utilities, forged gates, grills and lantern pillars in the style of the cultural monument will have been completed. Lyudmila Galitsina |