The Men’s Headwear
Cossack men’s headwear is a special part of their clothes. It ...
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NewsThey Live According to the Precepts of Ignat08.07.2013A new exhibition “Nekrasov Cossacks: Homeland Recovery” is open on July, 5, in the People’s House of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. It was presented by the Starocherkassk Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. It tells about the descendants of the Don Cossacks who left Russia in 1708, after the defeat of Bulavin’s uprising, managed to preserve their unique culture and returned to their native country after 250 years. Outside Russia the Nekrasov Cossacks lived according to “the precepts of Ignat” determining the foundations of the community. The exhibition displays a sculptural portrait of Ignat Nekrasov, one of the leaders of Bulavin’s uprising made by E.A.Brazhnikova. Most of Nekrasov Cossacks lived in Turkey keeping the faith of their fathers in the heterodox surrounding and their mother tongue, in which they prayed, conversed and which they taught their children. Just the faith and the age-old traditions of their ancestors gave strength and hope to the Nekrasov Cossacks. And those who committed a crime against the faith were drowned in the lake with a stone on their neck. The exhibition shows ritual utensils of the Old Believers’ Church: a stole of red velvet with a lace and embroidery, Old Believer prayer beads, a banner with the image of Our Lady of Kazan and icons. The Nekrasov Cossacks preserved their traditional clothes, which were made according to the strict canons. The clothes of the Cossack woman bear a number of archaic features of the Russian national costume designed basing on the simple geometric forms: a circle, a square and a rectangle. The exhibition exposes women’s and men’s wedding suits and a women’s wedding headdress. It is made of high quality fabrics and is decorated with precious stones, pearls and beads. Houseware, tools of the Nekrasov Cossacks, their folk art shown as fairy tales, legends and songs aroused a great interest of the visitors. In the September of 2012, it was the 50th anniversary of the return of Nekrasov Cossacks to the USSR from Turkey. And this great event is also marked at the exhibition. On viewing the exhibition “Nekrasov Cossacks: Homeland Recovery” you will realize what a feat those people performed living according to “the precepts of Ignat” for 250 years outside Russia and now still cherishing the traditions of their forefathers. You are welcome to the exhibition which will run till November, 11, 2013. Irina Koveshnikova |