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Kuprin is a Source of Inspiration


This is a title of a new exhibition, which will be opened on November, 12, at the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “The People’s House” within the frames of the project  “A Museum in the Museum” by the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The exposition will narrate about the art of the famous Russian writer A.I. Kuprin, his life, which was called “a novel of adventures” by a critic F.D. Batyushkov.

Kuprin is a writer of a special kind. He is loved and read, Kuprin’s wonderful works are a source of inspiration for talented artists of many generations. The exhibition will display illustrations (paintings, graphics) for the works of A.I. Kuprin made by the artists of Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Penza, by the students of two best art schools of the country – the Moscow State V.I. Surikov Academic Art Institute and the Penza K.A. Savitskiy Art School, and by the participants of the creative Kuprin Contest “Garnet Bracelet”, which has been held for 10 years already by the Union of the State Literary memorial museums of the Penza Region, and by amateur masters of arts and crafts.

Besides, the visitors will watch fragments of a video film “Kseniya Kuprina is Narrating”, which was shot on the order of the Museum Union, the writer’s portraits, books, photographs of the A.I. Kuprin Museum in Narovchat, photo reports from Kuprin literary holidays (last year it was held for the 25th lime), the contest “Garnet Bracelet” and many other interesting things.

The exhibition “Kuprin is a Source of Inspiration” will work in “The People’s House” from November, 12, 2010, till February, 27, 2011.

We invite the residents and guests of the stanitsa to visit the exhibition.

Elena Blagorodova