A Twisting Device for Loading Cartridges
M.A. Sholokhov was an experienced hunter, good at shooting, he loaded ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum at the Exhibition “Intourmarket – 2008”10.04.2008The Sholokhov State Museum-Reserve again took part in the work of the International Specialized Exhibition “Intourmarket – 2008”, organized for the third time by the companies “Expotour” and “Euroexpo” under the support of the Government of the RF. It was held from 15 till 18th of March at the International Exhibition Centre “Crocus Expo” in Moscow. About 1500 companies took part in the “Intourmarket”. The total exposition area was 29.000 sq. m., it was 30% more than that last year. The forum visibly displayed a constantly increasing level of the home tourindustry and a greater interest of the Russian regions in touring activity. 84 regions of Russia and a foreign exposition from 52 countries of the world were presented at the forum. The Rostov Region was exhibited under a general project called “Horseshoe of the Don”. The Sholokhovsky District was represented on the stands of the Sholokhov State Museum-Reserve and sanatorium “Veshensky”. The participants were much attracted by the places of sights and memorial paces connected wilt the life and creative work of M.A. Sholokhov, various natural monuments located in the reserve zone of the museum. The growing recognition of our Museum in the world is testified by the fact of visiting our Museum in the world is testified by the fact of visiting our Museum-Reserve exposition by the General Secretary of the World Tourist Organization Francesco Frangialli. He was presented with souvenirs symbolizing the Don and Sholokhov. The work of the exhibition was participated by the Chief of the RF Government Apparatus S.Y. Naryshkin, the Minister of the Regional Development of the RF D.N. Kozak, the Chief of the Federal Touring Agency V.I. Strzhalkovsky. Vikyor Boldyrev |