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“Vyoshenskie Vesnushki”

On the first day of the All-Russian Literary and Folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring” in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, a children’s holiday “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki” is held. For the first time it joined young performers from different parts of Russia and foreign countries in 2002, and since then it has been shining brightly with songs, dances, dresses, smiles.

Taking part in the “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki” gives the children an opportunity to show their creative achievements, communicate with their companions, see and learn many new and interesting things.

The holiday joined the young admirers of Sholokhov’s works, gifted boys and girls, who know and love the folk art. Very many young performers and children’s groups are interested in the songs and dances of their great-grandparents, from morning till night they gladden the audience with their talents. On the stanitsa’s square an exhibition of children’s creative work is set out: there are paintings, drawings, selfmade articles, souvenirs devoted to the life and work of M.A. Sholokhov.

Little children are entertained with active games and attractions organized by the Museum workers. The children are given a ride in horse carriages about the stanitsa. Especially the children are delighted with Scotland ponies harnessed in a decorated carriage.

The residents of Vyoshenskaya are set up rightfully with the permanently participating in the holiday the folklore song and dance group “Stanichniki” of the Children’s Leisure Centre and the folk group “Stanitsa” of the Vyoshenskiy M.A. Sholokhov Teacher Training College.

The holiday of  “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki” was joined by the children from Rostov, the Volgograd and Donetsk regions, West Kazakhstan, Moscow, the Bokovskiy District and many others.