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Museum Collection
Museum Events
Museum – to Children
Don Cossacks
Natural Monuments
Information for Tourists
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Museum Collection
5 (2%)
3 (1%)
Museum Events
1 (0%)
Museum – to Children
2 (1%)
Don Cossacks
7 (3%)
Natural Monuments
1 (0%)
Information for Tourists
204 (91%)
Polls archive

Educational Programs

“The School Path of Mine…”

A program of supplementary education for primary- and middle-level students of secondary comprehensive schools.

At the lessons children will study the history of Stanitsa Karghinskaya, where the great Russian writer M.A.Sholokhov spent his childhood and youth and began his writing career, will learn about the school education system of the first part of the XX century, will see the classroom interior, visual aids and textbooks of that time, will train their skills of writing with an old pen.