
Which topic do you think is under represented on our site? Leave your comments and suggestions in the section “Comments and Suggestions”
Museum Collection
Museum Events
Museum – to Children
Don Cossacks
Natural Monuments
Information for Tourists
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Museum Collection
5 (2%)
3 (1%)
Museum Events
1 (0%)
Museum – to Children
2 (1%)
Don Cossacks
7 (3%)
Natural Monuments
1 (0%)
Information for Tourists
204 (91%)
Polls archive

Educational Programs

“Family Visiting the Museum”

A program for children and their parents designed to provide an informative entertainment and recreation.

The objective of the program is to develop a respectful attitude to family values following the example of the life and work of M.A.Sholokhov and to Cossack traditions, to attract children and their parents to the Museum as a social ground for entertainment and recreation, to develop friendship and co-creation of children and adults through their joint activities.