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Museum – to Children
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For Children

In May of 2004, the Children Museum Centre was established in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. The Museum workers have got a unique opportunity to realize the main program in the work with children “The Museum of M.A.Sholokhov – for the Younger Generation”.

The program of the Children Museum Centre is based on the study in the life and literary work of M.A.Sholokhov, the history of the Don country, spiritual culture, Cossack traditions and customs. Schoolchildren learn about the rites, songs, traditional folk crafts, train in pottery, wickerwork, participate in the contests on the works by M.A.Sholokhov and on the history of the home country, join the district, regional and all-Russian local history conferences.

The Museum provides an opportunity for the students of the M.A.Sholokhov Teacher Training College to have their practical work to acquire skills of working as guides.

The Children Museum Centre entered into successful cooperation with the School of Art named after M.Balakirev (Moscow), the creative group of the TV show-contest of lyrical song “My Sweet Home”(Donetsk, Ukraine), the Rostov school of the long-range educational models “Evrika-Razvitiye”, the Krasnodar regional social organization of disabled children ”Inva-Studio”, and other children and youth organizations.

In 2002, the Museum-Reserve initiated a children holiday “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki”, which has become one of the bright pages of “Sholokhov Spring” festival. Lots of children creative groups from Russia and foreign countries visited the homeland of Sholokhov and took part in the holiday.