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Mikhail Sholokhov: "The Executioners Cannot Escape the Peoples’ Court!"


Mikhail Sholokhov, in his public work, paid much attention to the issues of protecting peace on Earth, strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between nations. No wonder in 1950 at the Second All-Union Conference of Peace Supporters he was elected a member of the Soviet Peace Committee.

In the same year, September 24, 70 years ago, in the newspaper “Pravda”, Sholokhov published an article "The executioners cannot escape the Peoples’ tribunal!" It was dedicated to the war on the Korean Peninsula, filled with pain and condemnation of the actions of the American aggressors in this conflict. Modest and hardworking Korean people were then forced to suffer huge losses from air bombing and even to hear the threat of the use of an atomic bomb by the US troops. The writer rejected the clause "if there was a need": "Mr. Truman would always find a need!"

The writer directed all the pathos of this work to stop the American intervention in Korea, to prevent the use of nuclear weapons again, to raise the voice of millions of people on the planet in defense of peace.

The author gave a harsh characterization of the 33rd US President Harry Truman and emphasized that “not only the bloody executioners of MacArthur were to blame for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent victims of the American armed intervention in Korea, and all those who fiercely, with bestial, with insane cruelty deal with the peaceful population of Korea, but - and above all - Wall Street and its loyal servant Truman". The American leader was hit hard here. And not in vain: as a result, lost on both sides in this war amounted to more than 5 million people.

Returning to the title of Sholokhov's article, one cannot fail to note the author's great emotional desire to protect the piece, to strengthen people's belief that the aggressor executioners cannot escape the court of the peace-loving peoples of the planet.


Alexey Kochetov