A Book by Larisa Vasilyeva with an Autograph
The meetings with Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov left indelible impressions in the ...
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News“Veshenskaya is Far from Mass Directions. They go to the Don on Purpose!”22.04.2020There has been published an article in the newspaper RATA-News that tells about the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, why you need to go to the stanitsa Vyoshenskaya and how Sholokhov’s places can attract even a sophisticated tourist. Despite the difficult epidemiological situation, spring is timidly coming. Gardens bloom, the first insects wake up from winter sleep, and insistent thoughts about a long-awaited vacation come up with them. We all definitely understand that we will have to forget about trips abroad. But a trip to the most beautiful corners of our country can be much more exciting and eventful. And most importantly, they are feasible and safe. And today we invite you to go through the amazing Sholokhov places, get acquainted with their color and natural attractions with the grandson of the great writer Alexander Sholokhov and Deputy Director for Development of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve Valeriya Sholokhova. To learn more about travel programs, book a tour and a hotel, please e-mail tourism@sholokhov.ru. |