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Russian Winter in Sholokhov-Centre


On January 20, 2018, in Sholokhov-Centre, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov and “Amapola” producer centre announced a joint educational project “National Evenings”. It was opened by a musical evening “Russian Winter”.

The concert was participated by tenor of an opera troupe Ramin Azimoff, soprano Alisa Sinitsyna and ensemble of Russian folk instruments “Tachanka”. They performed favourite and well-known Russian folk songs and old romances.

The guests of the musical event with pleasure sang along and played the wooden spoons. During the intermission they were treated with Don tea with bakery products and were photographed wearing Russian folk costumes by a real samovar. For memory, each guest was given a small souvenir bag with a prediction for 2018.

We hope that “National Evenings” in Sholokhov-Centre will become traditional. After all, about 60 different nationalities living in the Don region united it, and through songs and dances we can learn more about each other, about traditions and customs of different peoples.


Irina Pashkova