A Souvenir “A Trapped Wolf”
It was presented to M.A. Sholokhov by Penza foresters on May, ...
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NewsWriters-Hunters will be Told about in Sholokhov-Centre27.12.2017An opening ceremony of the exhibition “With Rifle and Lyre. Russian Literature and Hunting” took place on December 22, 2017, on the eve of the New Year holidays, in Sholokhov-Centre of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. This great exhibition project is represented by the exhibits from 20 major historical and literary museums and libraries of Russia. The ceremony was opened by Olga Alexandrovna Anistratenko, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, who noted the range and uniqueness of the exhibition project which united hunting and literary work of 15 best known Russian writers: A.S.Pushkin, S.T.Aksakov, L.N.Tolstoy, I.S.Turgenev, N.A.Nekrasov, A.P.Chekhov, M.A.Sholokhov, and others. O.N.Shevchuk, Director of the Museum of Hunting and Fishing of the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz (Moscow), underlined a special significance of that exhibition project for the whole hunters’ community of Russia. On the eve of the exhibition opening ceremony, within the social partnership project “Cultural Heritage”, Sholokhov-Centre jointly with the Rostov-on-Don Education Department held a drawing competition “Russian Literature and Hunting” for secondary school students. The exhibition opening ceremony was a good reason for congratulation and awarding of the competition winners. The young artists were awarded the winners’ certificates of honour and sweet New Year presents from the Museum. Following the opening ceremony the guests and members of the exhibition project went to the exhibition halls of Sholokhov-Centre. The public attention was attracted by the magnificent specimens of hunting weapons, installations of natural sights, writers’ studies and hunting trophies. The exhibition “With Rifle and Lyra.Russian Literature and Hunting” will run until March 14, 2018, in Sholokhov-Centre of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, in: 125/69, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., Rostov-on-Don. Visiting hours: 10.00–17.00 (Wednesday and Friday: 10.00–19.00). Monday is a day off. Tour service: 8(893)210-90-14 (tour order), 210-90-17 (cash desk), e-mail: rostov@sholokhov.ru |