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Sholokhov Museum Joined the Festival “Celebrated Steppe”


On April 16, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov took part in the V jubilee festival of environmental tourism “Celebrated Steppe”, which took place in the Orlov District the Rostov Region.

It is at this time, in the Manych Valley that you can admire the immense steppe expanses covered with flowering tulips of Schrenk, Bieberstein species and tulip Calle called “lazorik” in the Don region. The festival organizers including the Rostov Region Government, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Rostov Region, the “Steppe Wildlife” Association, the Nature Biosphere Reserve “Rostovsky”, the Department on Emergency Management of the Rostov Region and the Orlov District Administration stated the main purpose of the festival to attract the wide public attention to the problems of preservation of the steppe flora and fauna, spreading the natural landmarks of the Manych Valley and environmental tourism development.

The guests of the holiday were welcomed by Vladimir Zotov, Co-Chairman of the Council for Preservation of the Natural Heritage of the Nation in the Federation Council; Vyacheslav Vasilenko, Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region; and Nikolay Belyayev, Deputy Chairman of the Rostov Region Legislative Assembly. They called for cherishing the natural riches and take an active part in its preservation and increasing.

The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov presented its main destinations in the ecological and environmental activity, interim results in this field and shared its experience in ecological education.

The master-classes held by the museum workers aroused a great interest. The guests saw the work of masters in art carving and pottery, they liked the articles made by the professionals, and some of them tried to learn the basics of the crafts. The guests could make mats of herbs and flowers, take lessons in playing the flute and taste flavoured tea of the Don herbs with honey and bagels.

The working area of Sholokhov Museum was visited by schoolchildren and cadets, students and teachers, representatives of the authority and business, non-commercial organizations of the Rostov Region and neighbouring regions.

For active participation in the V Interregional festival of environmental tourism “Celebrated Steppe” the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Rostov Region.


Svetlana Pyatikova