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The World Famous Writer


On May, 24, 1905, ,in Kruzhilin Village of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya the Donetsk Region, there came into the world a child, who was destined to write an important page in the history of the Don region and the country. Now the name of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is famous all over the world. On May days his 110th anniversary is widely celebrated.

The great Russian writer, historian, glorifier of the Don Cossacks, artist of the word, he could not only recreate the epoch-making events of the past century, but he managed to reveal the depths of the human soul and show with the utmost clarity the controversial complex course of revolutionary and postrevolutionary historic events: the Civil War, the period of collectivization, the Great Patriotic War. And it is most important, that with his brilliant works Sholokhov told the whole world about the Cossacks allowing the Don people to keep their own identity and glorious history. Vitaly Zakrutkin, a Don writer, said once very vividly: “Indeed it is necessary to have an unprecedentedly sharp vision, a sensitive soul loving all living things, so that nothing on earth should be left unattended to find a hot and excited response in the artist…”

Most of his life Mikhail Alexandrovich spent in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, on the bank of the Quiet Don. He connected his literary work with his country. And the Don country, dear to his soul, gave him strength and nourished his talent. English writer Charles Snow, who visited Sholokhov, said: “Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is the great writer. His enormous talent and historic setting allowed him to create excellent works. The wonderful Cossack Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya is one of the literary shrines of the world.”

The world famous writer, Sholokhov, was a man of unprecedented generosity. Everyone who ever met him felt it. Yury Gagarin recalled about the meeting with the writer: “Sholokhov is full of cordiality and friendliness. He is prepossessing from the first phrase… The depth of Sholokhov’s penetration into the people’s souls is unlimited.”

The writer’s countrymen keep in their hearts a special respect and love for Sholokhov, who made so much for them and who is so dear to them. Years pass by, there grow up descendants of the Don Cossacks, whom the great artist of the word immortalized in his works, they cherish the memory of him and their gratitude for the luck to live on the same earth with the genius, to breathe the same air and admire the same landscapes.


Tatiyana Balak