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Working Wonder


Within the frames of the project “Environmental Museum School” the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov held a class “Working Wonder” for the children of kindergarten 2 “Romashka”.

The children noticed that spring flowers and trees have already been in full bloom, but the flowerbed in their plot was empty and dull. So they decided to plant flowers in the flowerbed together with Ecoznaika and the workers of the Museum-Reserve.

The form of the flowerbed was a seven-petaled flower, each “petal” was decided to be planted with a certain sort of flowers, with each flowerbed “petal” being quite different.

The children with enthusiasm and interest planted colourful petunias, bright yellow marigolds, scarlet zinnias and blue-eyed ageratum. All the plants were grown in the greenhouse of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov.

Now the children can admire the flowerbed planted by themselves and watch the growth and peculiarities of the flowers.

The young planters have got the first lesson of planting flowers and landscape design. We hope the children will apply their knowledge and later will work wonders by themselves.


Yelena Soldatova