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Children’s Page of Sholokhov Spring


One of the brightest and most spectacular pages of “Sholokhov Spring” will be a children’s holiday, which is going to be held on May, 22, in Stanitsa Karghinskaya. It will be dedicated to the 110th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov and the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The ending of the war was the core of the expectations and aspirations for a better peaceful life. That was the time of transition to creative work and restoration of the devastated country. The festive atmosphere in the thematic activity areas will be created by music and costumes, signs and attributes of the mid 40-s –early 50-s.

The children’s brass band will perform the well-known music of the war and postwar years. In the activity area “In the Whirlwind of the Waltz” the guests will be able to dance waltz, foxtrot and krakowiak.

Young residents and guests of Karghinskaya will be able to attend a makeshift library containing books of the 40–50-s. The winners in the contest “Our Sholokhov” will perform the passages from the writer’s works about the past war.

The lovers of intellectual entertainment will join chess and draughts competitions.

For a long time in summer and labour camps the most popular headwear was a field-cap. In one of the activity areas you will be able to learn how to make a newspaper field-cap, which will provide sun protection and become a funny festive attribute.

The public will enjoy a performance of jugglers, hand-walking equilibrists, stilts-walkers, acrobats with hoops and many other circus actors.

More than 30 children folk groups from Russia and near foreign countries will perform in the concert. The concert program will include choreographic scenes of the war and postwar years and folk songs and dances.


Marina Popova