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A New Special Course “Visiting the Reserved Places of Sholokhov” is Opened.


A special course “Visiting the Reserved Places of Sholokhov” was developed for primary schoolchildren in the project “Environmental Museum School” of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov.

The children from Sholokhov school of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya took part in the unusual museum class: they visited forest primroses. The class took place on a forest glade bathed in spring sunshine and with abundance of flowering plants.

The children examined with interest the structural features of primroses (Corydalis marschalliana, Scilla siberica, Gagea and others) so the visual material was presented to children in the natural environment. They listened to the legends and stories about the origin of the plant names, learned about the new edition of the “Red List of Threatened Species” of the Rostov Region. (The second edition of the Red List Book was presented on March, 12, in the South Federal University in Rostov-on-Don with participation of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov). The children learned about the purpose of the Red List Book, according to the pictures from the Book they found primroses in the nature. Then the children guessed riddles and answered interesting questions on the topic of the class.

The class ended with ecological games “Guess Me”, “We are not Afraid of Heat”, where the children blindfold guessed “forest objects”, learned how to keep away from heat without breaking the habitat. Highly impressed the children left the forest kingdom looking forward to new meetings.


  Oksana Turchina