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NewsA Contest of School Writings on the Works of M.A.Sholokhov31.03.2015In the Year of Literature, the Department for the Russian Literature of the Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Moscow City Pedagogical University jointly with the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve and the national scientific-educational journal “Mir Sholokhova” invites school students to take part in the contest of compositions on the works of M.A.Sholokhov. The purpose of the contest is to attract the students of general education institutions to creative development of the artistic riches of Russian literary classics and to the works of M.A.Sholokhov, one of the most outstanding its representative. The Writing Topics: 1.”…It is a novel that allows to throw light upon the world of reality most completely” (M.A.Sholokhov). 2.”Creation of the beautiful in the hearts of people” (M.A.Sholokhov) as the goal of true art. 3.M.A.Sholokhov is the master of artistic speech. 4.My Sholokhov. 5.What topic would I like to write a composition on the works of Sholokhov? Writing requirements: matching one of the topics proposed; textual reference to the works of M.A.Sholokhov both included in the school curriculum and beyond it; clarity of the structure, consistency and validity of the conclusions; disclosure in the specific provisions of the work, of style and content riches and educational potential of Sholokhov’s works; approximate amount is 3–4 notebook sheets (1.5–2 pages of A4 format). The best works will be marked with special certificates; the winners’ texts will be published in the journal “Mir Sholokhova”. The jury includes A.E.Smirnova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, head of the Russian Literature Department of the Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Y.A.Dvoryashin, a leading researcher of the World Literature Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, editor-in-chief of the journal “Mir Sholokhova”, I.N.Raikova, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Humanitarian Sciences of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, S.A.Vasilyev, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, and L.I. Shchelokova, Candidate of Philological Sciences. The contest writings are to be sent in electronic form (computer typed in the Word text editor, notebook sheets are to be scanned or photographed) before May, 15, 2015, to: mirSholokhova@yandex.ru with the obligatory indication of the name of the author of the work, teacher assisting in the work (if any) educational institution, contact e-mail and telephone number. The works are not reviewed.
Sergei Vasilyev |