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NewsA Book about the Upper Don Cossacks25.03.2015The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve bought for the academic library several copies of the book by S.I.Ryabov “The Upper Don Cossacks. Historical Information about the Stanitsas, Villages and their Residents”’ which was published late in 2014, in the Volgograd scientific publishing house. Sergei Ivanovich Ryabov is a hereditary Cossack, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, the author of a number of monographs and many articles on the Don history and Don Cossacks. For several decades, he was involved in the systematization of the vast array of information about the stanitsas and villages of the three upper districts of the Voysko Donskoye (the Don Army) based on the archival documents, census data, writings of the pre-revolutionary historians and ethnographers. The articles published in alphabetical order include the data about the location of the settlements, existence of schools, churches, shopping malls and stores, the number of inhabitants, houses, tools and livestock. Here are the surnames of villages and stanitsas’ chieftains elected in the pre-Soviet time of the XX century, the surnames of the indigenous inhabitants of the largest settlements. The book is supplemented with photographs of the Upper Don Cossacks including soldiers, with the pictures of churches and the major buildings and constructions. The large voluminous (750 pages) work is concluded with a detailed list of the source base.
Larisa Bukina |