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Sholokhov Museum at the Exhibition “Intourmarket-2015”


The National Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov in the delegation of the Rostov Region took part in the X International tourist exhibition “Intourmarket-2015”, which took place in Moscow on March, 14–17.

The ITM is the main tourist exhibition of the country, which is held with the official support of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture, of the Federal Agency for Tourism and other federal offices and professional organizations. This jubilee year, the exhibition presents 76 regions of Russia.

The Rostov Region sector was one of the most interesting and original, as Olga Safonova, leader of the Russian Federal Agency for Tourism, said. The year of 2015 declared to be the Year of Literature in Russia and the 110th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov celebrated in the Rostov Region became the main theme in the design of the collective exhibition sector of the region. The original design in the form of the writer’s estate house attracted much attention of the exhibitors and visitors.

The workers of the Museum-Reserve Tourist Department presented interesting offers, new itineraries for tourists, told about the sights of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. The visitors of the sector could learn about the work of the Museum, about the transport and hotel infrastructures.

The most attraction for the visitors was a “Calendar of Events” marking this year’s planned activities. There are the well-known holidays of “Sholokhov Spring”, “Kruzhilin Toloki” and the new ones: “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack” and “Karghin Fair on Pokrov Day”.

Annual exhibiting activity of the Museum-Reserve in the “Intourmarket” contributes to the promotion of the work of M.A.Sholokhov and to the increase in the flow of visitors.


Elena Ilyichova

Galina Smirnova