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The Holiday “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack” will be Held on May, 10


The holiday “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack” dedicated to the 70th anniversary ofthe Great Victory and the 110th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov will be held at the Stables of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov on May, 10, 2015.

The guests of the holiday will see traditional Don horse competitions, which include separate elements and kinds of Cossack physical and combat training, shooting, the mastery of sword wielding and managing a horse. Such competitions early in the XX century included horse racing, fancy riding, weapon flanking, slashing rods, fistfight and other kinds of fight. All these will be shown by the brave horsemen.

There will be a reconstruction of a Cossack camp of the early XX century at the hippodrome of the Museum-Reserve. In the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” M.A.Sholokhov described Setrakov camps: “Near a village of Setrakov, in the steppe, the wagons with canvas booths lined up in rows. A tidy, white-roofed town with straight streets and a small square in the centre rose invisibly quickly. The camp began living its usual routine life as it was annually in May. In the mornings, a team of Cossacks tending the horses grazing drove them to the camp. There began cleaning, saddling, roll call and lining up…”

The guests of the holiday will see the stages of training a Cossack-warrior: infant, adolescent and youth. Anyone can take an opportunity to try his hand in throwing spear and knife, in archery and rifle shooting including at a moving target, and in slashing rods.

The Museum workers will give master-classes in flanking, mounting a horse, in lancing and whipping. A blacksmith will show his mastery with a horse.

Cossacks will show their mastery in horse races and show jumping. Thrill seekers will enjoy all kinds of fancy riding.

Young Cossacks will make their show on the ponies. The children will enjoy games, competitions and master-classes.

The holiday entertainment will include excursions about the Stables, riding in carriages and on ponies, sale of souvenirs and the field kitchen work.


Viktor Boldyrev