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Sholokhov Museum at the First Regional Festival of the Don Country Museums


On March, 4, 2015, the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the First Regional Festival of the Don Country Museums, which was held in Rostov-on-Don.

The Festival was organized by the initiative group of young people supported by the training centre “Games of Life” and the public organization “Centre for Support and Health “Our Future”. It was joined by over 14 museums of the Rostov Region.

The Festival gave an opportunity for the museums to show their achievements in different fields of their activity and exchange their experience. The workers of the Museum-Reserve gave master-classes on making postcards of dry flowers (floristics), a rag-doll “Zabava” and a lark (“A Bird of Cotton”), which attracted young and adult visitors. More than 300 people wanted to make the articles by themselves and take them as souvenirs. Besides, the visitors learned about the Museum and the opportunities of visiting it.

The Museum sector of the Festival was visited by the official delegation including A.A.Rezvanov, Minister of Culture of the Rostov Region.

The Museum-Reserve was awarded the Diploma for active participation and great contribution into realization of “The First Regional Festival of the Don Country Museums”.


Lyudmila Gnusina
Marina Debur