Uniform of M.M.Sholokhov
The collection of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov was filled up in ...
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NewsRooks Have Come17.03.2015Within the project “Ecological Museum School” the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov gave a class “Rooks Have Come” for the youngest ecologists of kindergarten 2. In the first spring month the sun shines brightly, the snow begins to melt and migratory birds return. People were always glad about returning rooks and spotted for signs of spring: “If you see a rook, meet a spring”, “An early arrival of rooks means a warm spring”. The children listened with a great interest to a story about rooks, strong and beautiful birds. Nearby, in the pine forest, some families of these birds make their nests, and the children saw them on the territory of their kindergarten. Hearing the cries of rooks the children enthusiastically echoed them acting as harbingers of spring. The children carefully examined a reproduction of the painting “Rooks have Arrived” by A.K. Savrasov. Then they took pencils and paints and tried to picture the arrival of spring and the first spring birds, rooks. The children noticed that a week ago, not only rooks arrived, but also the first little green grass appeared, alder buds swelled and earlier than usual the ice came down on the river Don.
Elena Soldatova |