Table Gas Cigarette Lighter
This cigarette lighter, one of those M.A.Sholokhov often used, was bought ...
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NewsNew Editions of the Museum18.12.2015The leaving year of 2015, the Year of Literature in Russia, was marked by a number of significant anniversaries including the 110th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov and the 50th anniversary of awarding him the Nobel Prize. A number of publishing projects of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov were dedicated to these events. The third enlarged edition of the book by the writer’s son, M.M.Sholokhov, “About My Father. Memories and Reflections of Different Years” was published. This work by Mikhail Mikhailovich is greatly interesting both for the ordinary readers and specialists – Sholokhov scholars. It has become one of the most quoted books in numerous publications about the life and work of M.A.Sholokhov of late. The Museum published two catalogues, which were highly appreciated by museum specialists and polygraphists. One of them is “The Novel by M.A.Sholokhov “And Quiet Flows the Don” in Illustrations of Artists”– a catalogue of the Museum collection presenting the works of the well-known graphic masters S.Korolkov, O.Vereisky, Y.Rebrov and other authors, whose works are kept in the collection of fine arts. The second catalogue publication was timed to opening the exhibition “Тraces of Cossack Old Times…” Russian Cossacks in Monuments of Culture of the XVIII–XX Centuries from the collection of the State Hermitage”. The exhibition became “the first bird” of the exhibition activity of the Rostov “Sholokhov-Centre”, which hospitably opened its doors for visitors this year. The well-known in Russia and abroad folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring” is colourfully and heartily narrated about in the album of the same title. “Sholokhov Spring” is brightness of colours, the folk dance and song, professionalism of the folk groups, soloists and folk craftsmen gathering thousands of guests for the birthday of the great writer. Besides, there were published the materials of the two conferences, which took place in 2015, in Vyoshenskaya. The scientific and educational nationwide biannual journal “The World of Sholokhov” is entirely devoted to the theme of Sholokhov. The readers have received the first issue of 2015 and will soon receive the second. The publishing activity of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov is not limited to the works said about, besides, we have made a plan for the next year, 2016.
Alexey Kochetov |