The Book, Which Flew Round the Earth
A book “Virgin Soil Upturned” and an air chart, which were ...
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NewsChristmas Story in the People’s House!15.12.2015On the New Year’s Eve the People’s House of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov gets into a fairy winter tale, where there are mysterious adventures and transformations. The actors and viewers, adults and children enjoy themselves and have fun together celebrating this wonderful holiday! This year, boys and girls will enjoy incredible magic show, a new wonderful fairy-tale “Father Frost and a Magic Mirror” after the play by Yury Boganov. Each year, “devilry representatives” machinate Father Frost and prepare trials for children. This time, the fairy-tale devilry headed by Koschei the Deathless get hold of magic mirror and turn Father Frost into Kikimora, and Kikimora – into Father Frost. And if they do not stop, you can be left without a holiday! But the children’s laugh and smiles deprive the villains of force. So, we must hurry to help Father Frost and Snowgirl, give smiles and good spirits, do good to defeat evil!
Welcome to the New Year performance in the People’s House!
The performance will be held from 23 to 29 of December at 10.00, 12.00, 14.00 and 16.00. The ticket for children is 200 Rub, for adults (accompanying) – 50 Rub.
Tel.: (86353) 23-1-00
Tatiyana Galitsyna |