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The Year of Literature Closing Ceremony Took Place in “Sholokhov-Centre”


A closing ceremony of the Year of Literature in the Rostov Region took place on December, 18, in “Sholokhov-Centre” of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

This year was marked in the Don country by the major events including the start of the “Sholokhov-Centre” activity; opening in Starocherkasskaya a memorial board dedicated to Mikhail Sholokhov, who initiated establishing the local museum-reserve in this stanitsa; “Book Seasons” of the Don State Public Library; the holiday “Sholokhov Spring”, which gathered a record number of visitors, and many other significant events.

I.Guskov, the First Deputy Governor of the Rostov Region, noted: “The Year of Literature in the Don country was marked by interesting and bright events which completely contributed to the main goal set by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, – to draw attention of the society and  each person, especially children and youth, to literature and reading.”

In 2015, in the Rostov Region, a great attention was given to organization and holding the celebration of the 110th anniversary of Mikhail Sholokhov: the homeland of the writer – in Vyoshenskaya and Karghinskaya – was well arranged; the festive events took place in the districts and settlements of the Rostov Region; a big number of the Don folk groups took part in the literary and folklore festival “Sholokhov Spring”; the state museums and libraries of the Rostov Region displayed their exhibitions; the Rostov M.Gorky Academic Drama Theatre performed the premiere of the spectacle “The Quiet Don”, which won the Laureate Diploma at the XIII International Festival “Golden Knight”; the TV channel “Rossiya 1” showed a new serial film “The Quiet Don”, which gathered a wide TV audience. For implementation of the plan of the writer’s anniversary celebration there were allocated 180 million rubles from the regional budget.

The ceremony of closing the Year of Literature in Russia was joined by the figures of culture and art of the Rostov Region and guests from Orenburg and Moscow, who showed the exhibitions “The Orenburg Downy Shawl” and “Everywhere Ask for…” (The History of the Russian State in a Candy Wrapper).

The Year of Literature in Russia is over to give a start to the Year of Cinema, which is surely going to be rich in bright events.


Olga Bakhtiyarova