“Sketches of Vyoshenskaya” by A.V. Bogdanov
A collection of pictures by an artist from Vyoshenskaya, Alexander Bogdanov, ...
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NewsThe Nobel Celebrations in Photographs09.12.2015On December, 10, it is the 50th anniversary of awarding M.A.Sholokhov the Nobel Prize in literature in recognition of the artistic power and integrity that he displayed in his Don historical epic about the life stages of the Russian people. The resolution of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences on this subject is known to have taken place on October, 18, 1965, and in no time the mass media spread the news all over the continents. On that day the writer sent the telegram to the Swedish Academy: “I thank you heartily for a high appreciation of my literary work and awarding me the Nobel Prize. I gratefully accept your kind invitation to come to Stockholm for the Nobel Festivity. M.Sholokhov.” The group to accompany the writer in his trip to Sweden was joined by the well-known Rostov cameraman L.B.Mazrukho, who had already photographed M.A.Sholokhov before for the documentary film. He was to make a picture story about that great event. The ceremony of the Nobel Prize awarding in the Big Concert Hall of the Stockholm City Hall began at 16.20 p.m. The event was TV broadcasted for the 13 European countries. There worked several documentary cameramen including Leon Borisovich Mazrukho, who imprinted the most important episodes of the ceremony. The world interest for the Nobel Festivity was enormous. At present, on the days of celebration of the 50th anniversary of awarding M.A.Sholokhov the Nobel Prize, we publish little-known photos by L.B.Mazrukho, which are kept in the stores of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.
Larisa Bukina |