A Twisting Device for Loading Cartridges
M.A. Sholokhov was an experienced hunter, good at shooting, he loaded ...
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NewsInternational Friendship Festival “Kazakhstan-Russia” was Devoted to Sholokhov16.11.2015In Kazakhstan, in Daryinskoye Village, on November, 12, for the first time there was held International Children Friendship Festival “Kazakhstan-Russia” named after Bisen Zhumagaliyev. It was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov. It was participated by the delegation of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov and the winners of the rallies of environmental movement “Sholokhov Source”: schoolchildren from Nikolayevsk of the Volgograd Region and Kolundayev Village of the Sholokhov District. Bisen Zhumagaliyevich Zhumagaliyev, whom the festival was named after, was a friend of M.A.Sholokhov and his family. He made a great contribution into strengthening friendship of the people of Kazakhstan and Russia. “The festival is very important for all the members of the Zhumagaliyevs family. I hope it will become traditional and will always connect us with the Zelenovsky District and Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. I thank the organizers very much”, – said Bayan Zhumagaliyeva, one of the daughters of B.Zhumagaliyev. The young participants of the festival visited the Memorial Museum of M.A.Sholokhov, which was opened in 1979, in the house, where the writer’s family lived from August 1942 to November 1943. The children saw the exhibits telling about the visits of Sholokhov in Kazakhstan, learned about the big educational work of the museum and traditional “Sholokhov Days in Priuralye”. The excursion for them was guided by O.A.Chekanova, Director of the museum. There was held a round-table meeting joined by A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, representatives of the Assembly of the Kazakhstan people, the Consulate of the Russian Federation in Uralsk, the Akimate of the West-Kazakhstan Region, leaders of the cultural institutions, literary and public figures of the region. M.I.Aitasov, Director of the state farm “Birlik”, the Zhangalinsky District, told about the meetings with the writer and his wife at Lake Zhaltyrkul. Musir Imankulovich remembers: “The writer famous all over the Soviet Union was very modest. He took all the necessary things with him not to cause any unnecessary troubles to the hosts.” M.A.Sholokhov was interested in livestock breeding management on the state farm “Birlik”, he had long talks with sheep breeder Karasha Karabasov. To develop sheep breeding in the Don region the writer advised the leaders of he state farm “Kruzhilinsky” to purchase Edilbayev sheep famous for their stamina, and some years later, meeting with the Zhangalin people he said that the Edilbayev sheep stock had increased in number to 2.5 thousand. The talk “Mikhail Sholokhov in Priuralye” was also interesting for the young Sholokhov learners. A.M.Sholokhov, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, underlined that for the people of different nationalities to know and respect each other’s culture it is necessary that this culture should become their own part. The children from Priuralye are also a part of “that “Sholokhov Source”, which rises in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the Museum children and youth environmental movement. The boys and girls often became winners and champions of the rallies and festivals. Bisen Zhumagaliyevich became a symbol of the unity of our peoples, and I think the festival named after him has a great future and, moreover, it is simply necessary”, – said Alexander Mikhailovich. The most active festival members were marked with Letters of Thanks and presents.
Valentina Abramovskaya Olga Bakhtiyarova |